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Residential Electrical Services in Sturgis, MI

Is your home lacking the electrical capability it needs for you to live comfortably? Are you renovating or adding more space and need additional panels or wiring to accommodate the new addition? LL Electric has been the electrician that Sturgis, MI homeowners have trusted since 2010. We have services to cover all your residential needs safely and reliably. Contact us today and let us know how we can help your home electrical needs.

Man changing the bulb

Electrical Maintenance and Repairs

Homeowners face common electrical challenges. Many of them are annoying, such as circuit breakers that keep tripping when you turn an appliance on. Others can be a safety concern, including lights that flicker or switches that make humming noises. We offer convenient solutions for these and many other issues:

  • Troubleshooting and correcting electrical problems
  • Circuit breaker upgrades
  • Rewiring
  • Switch and outlet replacements
  • Light fixture upgrades
Man repairing electrical switches

Home Electricity Wiring and Installation

When you need electrical wiring for your home, our company offers experience and attention to detail in every job we’re hired to complete. We believe in absolute perfection in our finished work and strive to leave our customers completely delighted with the final project. From renovations and remodels to installations that accommodate new technology, our team is the one to call. We offer:

  • Wiring design and installation for new construction
  • Electrical upgrades for home renovations
  • Expanded installation for home additions
  • Wiring for hot tubs, spas, and pools
  • New wiring in finished basements
  • Smart home upgrades
  • Ground fault circuit interrupters

Speak With a Home Electrician About Your Project

Need help with your home electrical setup? Get in touch with the pros at LL Electric. We offer high-quality work and excellent rates to ensure your house gets the electrical attention it needs for safe and functional operation. It’s easy to take advantage of today’s modern technology when you have a trusted electrician working with you. There’s a reason we’ve been a winner of the “Sturgis Aware: Viewer Choice” award. Contact us today to learn more about our exceptional services.

Electrical Installation, Maintenance, and Repairs