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Commercial Electricians in Sturgis, MI

No matter your industry, a functional electrical system is essential to productivity. It’s also critical that all wiring, outlets, and hookups are to code to ensure safety for employees and customers. The team at LL Electric serves businesses throughout the Sturgis, MI area with professional and innovative commercial electrical services for various industries. Whether you’re upgrading equipment or constructing a new facility, we’re here to ensure the electrical work meets your needs.

Man checking electrical switches

Electrical Upgrades

As a Master Electrician, we can provide the services your business needs to increase capabilities and take advantage of modern equipment. We offer complete upgrades for interior and exterior applications, such as:

  • Electrical panel upgrades
  • Replacing outdated and pre-existing systems
  • Rewiring
  • Replacing generators
Man working on a electrical tower

Energy-Saving Improvements

One way to save on resources is by investing in new technology to help reduce the energy your business consumes. In turn, you reduce how much you’re spending on utilities each month. Ask about easy modifications, including:

  • Updating interior and exterior lighting
  • Integrating Smart technology to operate appliances
  • Installing programmable thermostats
Man checking electrical switches

Design and Safety Services

Electricity is a tremendous resource that powers us to be creative, innovative, and productive. While it delivers all these benefits and more, we must remember that with all its power comes a responsibility to ensure it’s used safely and efficiently. You can rely on us if you need electrical inspections for building code approval or general safety assurance. We offer:

  • Commercial electrical improvements
  • Complete layout designs and installation
  • Assessment of older systems
  • Electrical safety inspections
  • All maintenance and repairs

Reliable Electrical Services for Business Owners

Whether you need electrical upgrades for your business or have tenants in your building that need electrician services, we offer various commercial services to cover any installation, upgrade, maintenance, or repair need. We’ve been serving Sturgis since 2010 and look forward to providing you a superior customer service experience. Contact us to schedule service.

Electrical Installation, Maintenance, and Repairs