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Electrical Services for Farms in Sturgis, MI

If you own a farm or run an agricultural business, you know the importance of a full-functioning electrical setup that can handle the power requirements and meet the demands of your day-to-day routine. LL Electric partners with farmers and agricultural companies throughout Sturgis, MI to repair, install, and complete various upgrades to light up and power their operations. With over 10 years of experience, we’ve likely helped customers just like you and can handle your routine and complex electrical requests.

Electrical Installation and Hookups

From tilling and planting to watering and harvesting, reliable electricity is a must for modern farming. We offer a complete line of services to ensure you can run machinery, illuminate acreage, and stay comfortable during operation. Our services are perfect for:

Grain Systems

We'll ensure your equipment has the proper voltage to operate and complies with electrical codes. We’ll discuss the wiring and location of gears and circuit breakers for the best performance.

Irrigation Systems

Have peace of mind your operation is powered and hooked up safely. We’ll follow the proper codes and installation guidelines so your irrigation electricity doesn't become a hazard when exposed to wet and damp conditions.

Custom Barns

Are you building a new barn or expanding an existing one? We provide experienced electrical layout designs and installation work for custom barns. We’ll listen to your needs and goals and develop a plan to achieve your vision.

Generator Installation

Storms in the Midwest are nothing new. With our generator installation services, you can stay productive and on schedule even if the power is out for an extended period.

Property and Farming Enhancements

Electrical upgrades are a wise investment that can help you increase production and lower overall costs. We work with agricultural customers to make changes, enabling them to take advantage of modern options.

Panel Upgrades

Upgrading electrical panels helps you manage electricity usage more effectively and makes the overall operation more efficient.

Cost Savings

We offer services that can help reduce energy consumption and discuss ways to lower how much you’re spending on electricity year over year.

Outdoor Lighting

Does productivity dip when the days are shorter and nights are longer? Our services include custom outdoor lighting layouts and installation.

Electrical tower in farm

Electrical Safety and Code Compliance

You can reduce your farm’s liability and avoid fines for code violations with periodic safety inspections around your property. The size and power of the equipment used, electrical components exposed to wet conditions, and inclement weather are all reasons to use caution, be proactive with safety, and avoid potential hazards. We’re available for:

  • Irrigation System Inspections
  • Electrical Safety Inspections

The Expertise Your Farm Needs

Farming and agriculture are your business. Ours is delivering electrician services to ensure you can be productive in a safe environment by accessing the electrical power and components you need. Contact us today to get an estimate or learn more about our services for agricultural partners.

Electrical Installation, Maintenance, and Repairs