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Sturgis, MI’s Trusted Local Electrician

Residential, Commercial, and Agricultural

Over a Decade of Electrical Experience

LL Electric is a locally owned and operated electrical business serving residential, commercial, and agricultural customers throughout the Sturgis, MI area. Our lead electrician is a perfectionist with his craft and prioritizes the customer service experience for each client. We work diligently for our loyal customer base and look forward to expanding the number of residential and commercial clients we serve in the community.

Master Electricians at Work for You

When our founder started LL Electric in 2010, he was the youngest Master Electrician in the state of Michigan at the time. Achieving that level of professionalism at such a young age is not only impressive, but it brings confidence to our customers that their project will be handled by a technician who gained valuable years of experience as a Master Electrician while many of his peers were still completing their training. Experience matters, especially when it comes to the complex industry of residential and commercial electrical work. Our superior skill and customer service have made us a “Sturgis Aware: Viewer Choice” award winner. Contact our seasoned team for your next project.

Man checking electrical switches

Comprehensive Services for Home and Business

Whether you’re a business or a homeowner, a dependable electrician that provides quality work is critical. Since our company was founded in 2010, we’ve answered the call for general electrical jobs, specialty projects, and custom requests aimed at delivering complete customer satisfaction. Do you have electrical needs for your home or business? Give us a call to request an estimate.